Friday, February 25, 2011

Exterior Home Painting

exterior home painting,House exterior painting,exterior home paintPaint, whether exterior paint or interior paint, will not adhere to any dirty or damaged surface. Therefore, good preparation work on the walls is a must. This is done to ensure a good paint finish. If you find any damage like cracks, holes etc. on the exterior wall, repair them before you apply paint to it. To get rid of the dirt and debris from the wall, the easiest option is to wash it off. Pressure washing will be more convenient for this purpose. 
When paint is to be applied on rough walls, make sure you sand them to make them even. Also keep in mind that paint does not stick too well on a glossy surface, so these surfaces will need to be sanded as well.

Then, with the help of a paint scraper, remove all the loosely bound cracked old paint from the wall. 

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